The Guestbook is now closed.
69: CHEECH |
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Ja,jetz bin ichs schon wieder.Nix fia unguad,aba i hob ja ganz fagessn:es kenntz ja gakoa Daitsch net faschtee.Ah so ein Misst aber auch.Und ich hab ja auch total vergessen,dass ich euch ja gratuliern wollte zu eurem tollen erfolg,ne?? |
68: Cheech |
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Hy, seavas Buaschns,was geht  ?MIr iss langweilig, und ausserdem hab ich mir vorgenommen mich in jedes Gästebuch einzutragen was mir in die Finger kommt!!!!Grüsse aus Bavaria-Germany,Geh ??Und machtsas guad,na machtsas bessa geh      ? |
67: Nikki |
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I love Home Improvement.I watch it on WGN andf Superstation all the time. My mom tells me I am obseseed withit. I tape a lot of them(mainly my favorites). I really think they should have like a movie were all the cast get together again like a Home Improvement reunion. The boys are soooooo hot especially Jonathon. See ya all you fans out there |
66: emma, sweden |
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my email address: |
65: emma, sweden |
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I LOVE HOME IMPROVEMENt...but they have stop to showing it in sweden and a miss it so much! I didn't want JTT to stop with the series he is so cute. And tim are so funny.
I want all espisodes on vhs...I was hoped for them to not stop doing home improvement...but everything has to come to an end somehow.
love, Emma
email me if you are an home improvement I can email you back. |
64: Ian Harris, Southampton, England |
IP Address: logged |
Home and Improvement was the best Tv show ever!! It was such ashame it had to come to an end. They were like a real family to me... I just hope they bring ALL the series on video and Dvd...Tim and Co have always raised a smile on my face. Its a brilliant show!! Well done guys. If any one finds out they are bringing all series out please let me know..It will be apreciated! Thank You. Ian(just changed Email Address) |
63: Brad, New Zealand (Auckland) |
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Well I love the Show especially the way the boys treat mark. Please can you notify me when any episodes come out on video in New Zealand. I love the way Tim e - and let me know if i can help. |
62: Aim, England |
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We just seen the end of series 8 over here on the Disney Channel and man it rules!!!! Hell yeh! |
61: emma |
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Can I buy Home Improvement in sweden?? |
60: Arleta, Polen,Poland |
IP Address: logged |
I love this show!!!!Wery fan,I very like actors this show,
but I very very very love on JTT.I have sitcom Home Improvement in cassette video some episode.You give more snapshots more more. |
59: dave davies, portsmouth,r.i. |
IP Address: logged |
please notify me if home improvement episodes ever come out on video.i still watch reruns every weeknight.thank you. |
57: Jeff Clanton, Hickory, NC |
IP Address: logged |
I really enjoyed the series. I think I may enjoy the reruns even more now. Since growing up with the Taylors in the 90's, I have become a father of three boys myself. Yes Tripletts. I hope when they get older they will watch the reruns of their dad's favorite show. |
56: Ian Harris, Southampton, England |
IP Address: logged |
Home and Improvement was the best Tv show ever!! It was such ashame it had to come to an end. They were like a real family to me... I just hope they bring ALL the series on video and Dvd...Tim and Co have always raised a smile on my face. Its a brilliant show!! Well done guys. If any one finds out they are bringing all series out please let me know..It will be apreciated! Thank You. Ian |
55: Paul Heath, Kansas City, KS |
IP Address: logged |
I really like Home Improvement. Too bad it went off the air after 8 years. Wilson finally showed his face!! |
54: dan |
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That Summerslam is this sunday with special guest Tim Allen
53: |
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That Summerslam is this sunday with special guest Tim Allen |
52: melissa hughes, ireland |
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hey everyone
so wats the crack? i love home improvement soooooo much.i watch it every night on the disney channel. i just wish i could meet tim in real life its just i live in ireland and he is to far away and not many people over here have really heard of him. so if u could tell him i think he is so cool he is my favourite actor that would be great. because i know when u send to them fan mail that tim dosent really dosent get to read them. well see ya luv melissa hughes
51: Susan Coates, Belfast, N.I. |
IP Address: logged |
Make a one off feature-length reunion special with all castmembers from all seasons, and make dvd and video availiable to buy in Northern Ireland.